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Paraformaldehyde (USA): 91-93%

  • Classification:Poly series
  • Views:15142次
  • Issue date::2014/3/27 10:12:39
  • Product overview

Molecular formula: (CH2O) n

Appearance and properties: low molecular weight is white crystalline powder with formaldehyde taste.

Usage: it is mainly used for manufacturing various synthetic resins and adhesives, as well as fumigation disinfectants, fungicides and insecticides.

1. Pesticides: as long as the production of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, fumigants, 70%.

2. Medicine: used for disinfection of wards, clothes and bedding and other pharmaceutical production, 10%.

3. Paint: mainly used for synthesizing 10% of high-grade automotive paint.

4. Resin: used for the synthesis of ethylene glycol, ion exchange resin and other 5%.

5. Others: 5%.

Next:Paraformaldehyde Spain 91% 92% 93%
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