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Chloroacetic acid 97.5%

  • Classification:Chemical raw material series
  • Views:4984次
  • Issue date::2014/3/27 10:12:39
  • Product overview
Structural formula: clch2cooh

Molecular weight: 94.50

Uses: chloroacetic acid is an important fine chemical product, widely used in pesticides and medicine, mainly used in the production of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and glycine, mainly used in the dye industry, indigo dyes, and various additives

Chloroacetic acid, commonly known in industry, refers to monochloroacetic acid. Chloroacetic acid is an important organic synthesis intermediate, which is mainly used to produce synthetic dyes, pesticides, carboxymethyl cellulose, spices, pharmaceuticals and so on.

Packaging: paper plastic composite bags or plastic woven bags are used for packaging according to user requirements.

Next:Chloroacetic acid (export grade)
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