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Suzhou Hengtai Pharmaceutical Chemical Co., Ltd
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13451971617 Mr Chen
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Fax: 0512-68026100
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Add: Room 1001, Building 1, Runjie Plaza, No. 9 Deng Wei Road, Suzhou City


  • Classification:Chemical raw material series
  • Views:6162次
  • Issue date::2011/5/22 19:51:03
  • Product overview
English Name: dichloromethane; Methylenechloride; Methylene dichloride  

Molecular formula: CH2Cl2

Characteristics: colorless transparent volatile liquid. It has an irritating smell similar to ether.

Uses: it is a non combustible low boiling solvent, widely used in medicine, plastics, film and other industries. Excellent solvent, widely used in organic solvents, film removers, foaming agents, cleaning agents, fumigation, degreasing, refrigeration, etc

Packing: it is sealed in galvanized iron drum and can be transported by train, tank car and automobile.

Storage: in a cold, dark, dry and well ventilated place, pay attention to moisture.

Next:Barium chloride
@2022 版权所有:Suzhou Hengtai Pharmaceutical Chemical Co., Ltd 备案号:苏ICP备05085404号 技术支持:仕德伟科技