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Suzhou Hengtai Pharmaceutical Chemical Co., Ltd
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  • Classification:Intermediate series
  • Views:5762次
  • Issue date::2011/5/22 19:51:18
  • Product overview

English Name: acetonitrile

Alias: Cyanomethane; Methyl nitrile

Properties: it is a colorless liquid with aromatic smell. It is miscible with water, ethanol, ether and acetone. Cyanide fumes are decomposed when heated.

Uses: acetonitrile is mainly used in organic synthesis in industry. It can be polymerized into dimers and trimers, used to manufacture drugs and fragrances such as vitamin B1, and also used as fatty acid extractant and alcohol denaturant. This product is mainly used as a solvent. It is a good solvent for synthetic rubber, resin, fiber and pharmaceutical industry. It can also be used to synthesize ethylamine, acetic acid, etc.

Storage: due to its volatility, it should be stored in a sealed manner. It should be checked regularly for leakage. It should be handled with care.

Next:Glacial acetic acid
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