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Triethyl orthoformate

  • Classification:Intermediate series
  • Views:5059次
  • Issue date::2014/3/27 10:12:39
  • Product overview
Molecular formula: HC (OC2H5) 3

Molecular weight: c7h16o3 = 148.20

Properties: colorless liquid. It smells like pine needles. It is miscible with alcohol and ether; Slightly soluble in water and decomposed at the same time. Flammable.

Uses: used for the production of APIs, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, dyes, coatings, spices, etc.

Transportation: transport as dangerous goods and pay attention to fire prevention.

Next:Fumaric acid
@2022 版权所有:Suzhou Hengtai Pharmaceutical Chemical Co., Ltd 备案号:苏ICP备05085404号 技术支持:仕德伟科技