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Anhydrous sodium sulfite

  • Classification:Inorganic series
  • Views:5212次
  • Issue date::2014/3/27 10:12:39
  • Product overview
English Name: soda sulfate, anhydrous

Molecular formula: Na2SO3

Molecular weight: Na2SO3 = 126.64

Properties: colorless or white crystalline powder. And gradually oxidized to sodium sulfate in the air. Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol.

Usage: as deoxidizer and bleach in printing and dyeing industry, it is used for scouring and refining various cotton fabrics to prevent local oxidation of cotton fibers and affect fiber strength. The photosensitive industry is used as a developer, and the organic industry is used as a reducing agent for the production of m-phenylenediamine, 25-dipyrazolone and aminosalicylic acid. Used as artificial fiber and stabilizer in textile industry. It is also used in papermaking, electronics, water treatment and other industries.

Next:sodium hydroxide
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