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sodium hydroxide

  • Classification:Inorganic series
  • Views:4983次
  • Issue date::2014/3/27 10:12:39
  • Product overview
Molecular formula: NaOH molecular weight: 40

Properties: (1) liquid alkali: colorless or light blue liquid, greasy, strongly alkaline, strongly corrosive to skin and fabric.

 (2) solid alkali: industrial solid caustic soda, the main body is white, slightly blue, easy to absorb carbon dioxide in the air, change into sodium carbonate and deliquesce.

Appearance: colorless liquid, slightly light yellow is allowed.

Uses: widely used in papermaking, organic synthesis, chemical industry, textile, rayon, medicine, metallurgy, refining petroleum, soap making, refining coal tar, etc.

Main uses: chemical manufacturing, papermaking, aluminum refining, tungsten refining, rayon, artificial cotton and soap manufacturing, production of dyes, plastics, pharmaceuticals and organic intermediates, regeneration of old rubber, electrolysis of metal sodium and water, and inorganic salt production. A large amount of caustic soda is used to prepare borax, chromium salt, manganate, phosphate, etc

Storage and transportation: caustic soda is a strong alkali with strong corrosiveness. Leakage is strictly prohibited during transportation.

Next:Sodium chlorate
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